I keep telling myself....
January will be over soon....
But that also means that before this never ending month actually does end.....
The Mid Year Check in needs to be completed and signed off by your BIL!
What...? You don't remember what you need to do for the Mid-Winter Check?
I bet you aren't the only one!
The mid-year check is just a matter of filling in 4 sections....
It is found right after the Goal on your main Observation Document...

These are the things you will reflect on:
A. What action steps have you taken to this point to help meet your PDP goal? What actions are planned, but have not been taken?
B. What new Best Practice(s) have you implemented to help meet your PDP goal? How is it a best practice? How have you evaluated its success? What evidence/data do you have? How might any results change your instruction in future?
C. What progress is there towards attaining the goal stated in Question 1?
D. As of the mid-point check, are adjustments in the goal or action steps necessary? If so, what are they?
Your BIL team has come up with a brilliant plan to get this done!
During the Monday LATE START....
you will be looking at data......
that data is probably what is driving your ATPPS GOAL....
Why don't you all fill out your mid-winter check AT THE SAME TIME!!!!
The BILs are meeting today to set the Calendar for the February Observation Window....
Just a heads up....We will be setting dates in the FIRST THREE WEEKS of February....
It got a little tricky having so many Observations during the last 3 days of November!!!!
I will be meeting with each BIL soon to conduct their BIL Observation...
I need your help!!
The BIL observation is based on the feedback provided by YOU on the BIL survey!!!
It is very short....you can do it in 3 minutes or less I bet!
Please...pretty please....go take the survey so I have info to share with the BILs!
It is always great if you take a moment to add a comment or two. Specific feedback on this survey will make dialogue during the BIL conference much more meaningful.
I will post again with information about February Observations....
Stay Warm!
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